Foodel is the perfect platform for food businesses of all sizes. Sign up now and start growing your business with us!
Control how your business grows, get rid of high commission fees, and join the Fair Food Revolution.
Simply complete the form to calculate how much you save by switching to direct delivery when you sign up with Foodel.
Retain and grow your customers with your own website and mobile apps.
Promotional codes, integrations, and other tools to communicate with customers directly.
Analyse reports and uncover actionable insight to improve offerings.
We are always a phone call or a message away to help you.
We create the app, you own it. Route more customers to your app and drive more sales and revenue to your food business.
Get instant technical support with your website or application. Our customer support team is always available to keep both channels up and running and remove obstacles for customers.
While you focus on your business, our teams are busy marketing everything that you do. Continue providing excellent services, and we’ll bring you more customers.
Get your message across a larger audience, and meet your business requirements through a branded website and mobile application. Take this opportunity to promote your brand and increase your visibility, thus laying the foundations for growth.
Enjoy low merchant rental fees and experience the joy of cutting down costs while allowing a vital payment option to your customers.
Allow customers to place orders and pay through their phones by scanning the QR codes, and provide them an enriched experience.